Monday, July 16, 2018

The Miracle of Communication

The human is an extraordinary creature, of that there can be no doubt. We can tame a wilderness and erect giant skyscrapers; cross vast oceans and even travel through the air and into space. Or ability to adapt to any harsh environment is rivaled only by the cockroach, infesting every corner of the Earth.
Perhaps our most fundamental ability, and the one which contributed to all the above feats, is our ability to communicate. The fact that we can make certain noises with our throats and mouths, which are heard and understood by others of our species; or that we can make symbols which are similarly understood, is something of a unique and miraculous gift.
While some other species do exhibit crude forms of what might be called communication, none have taken it to the heights that we humans have. Indeed, our ability is not limited to calls of warning or mating, but allows communication of our desires and dreams. From ancient times, story-tellers have conjured entire scenes in the minds of their audiences.
Our communication does have its limits. Improper word choice or differences in perception can result in a “failure to communicate” that reaches far beyond the movie line. The other huge impediment to effective communication is its limitation to only those who share our language set. Even within a “common language”, regional dialects and usage can muddy the waters. In a world so tightly connected by the internet, it seems ironic that we can’t agree on a common language.
Translators and other multi-lingual folks can help bridge the language gaps, and to them we owe a large debt of thanks. The advancing technology of electronic translators, coupled with AI may help, but will likely never grasp the subtilties of precise communication.

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