Monday, July 16, 2018

Mercator Myth

Gerardo Mercator was not an evil fellow. But, his famous maps have given countless millions of students a distorted view of the world, at least longitudinally. By making the areas furthest from the equator seem disproportionately large, it also made the equatorial areas appear smaller than they are. This seemed to suit those in the more northerly and more “civilized” areas just fine. And the rectangular shape worked better for publishers. Only those who owned the iconic globes knew the truth – that Greenland is only about the size of Mexico and Alaska is just a fifth of Brazil.
This was not Mercator’s intent at all. He simply wanted to make a map projection that was much more useful for navigation, not the study of geography. At this, he succeeded brilliantly. Millions of explorers and navigators owe this man deep debts of gratitude.
So, free your mind from the geographic prejudice you’ve been taught and learn the truth, which shall, of course, set you free.

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