Monday, July 16, 2018

Different People

When I was with my brother Jim in the little town of San Blas, Mexico, we usually ate dinner at one of the two fancy (by Mexican standards) restaurants on the Plaza. Every once in a while, he'd suggest we eat "off the street" from one of the many portable taco stands. These stands would set up each night and sell small tacos ( at the time, about 10 cents each) and a fruit drink called "aguas".  Invariably, after we ate at one of the stands, Jim would complain about how bad they were.

Finally, I asked him why he would want to eat at one of the stands, when he knew the food would be better at the restaurants. He stopped; smiled at me and said, "Different people go there."

I'm glad that I've known all the different people I've known; glad I didn't get trapped into knowing just one kind. From the rich and famous to shoe shines and street vendors. I'm glad I met ALL of them, and that I can move comfortably between diverse worlds. And find the beauty and wisdom in each.

I've known a Queen and a queen
And some folks in between
A Senator, shoe shine; a bum.
I say CHEERS to them all,
As I walked down life’s hall
And learned from every one.

RGP – 2000

Different strokes for different folks 
Different ways for different days
Different kinds for different minds
Different bites for different likes
Different foods for different moods
Different drugs for different mugs
Different highs for different guys
Different games for different dames
Different fun for Everyone

Ain't diversity grand ??

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