Monday, July 16, 2018

A Tribute to the Cobradores

Most folks think a bus is all about the driver. But, I’m making the case that the lowly “cobradore” (never seen a cobradora) is the heart of the bus operation here. They are the “collectors”, the guys who collect fares. This in itself is a bit of an art form. The lads must remember where each passenger embarked and calculate the appropriate fare. Just before arriving at the ultimate destination, they push their way through a crowded bus, collecting and making change as they go. When presented with a large bill, they must wait until sufficient change is collected.
In addition, they help older or pregnant passengers on and off the bus and stow packages that are too large for a passenger’s lap. They call out the upcoming stops and tell the driver when to stop. At intersections the cobradore fills in the driver’s blind spots and tells him when to accelerate after new passengers are seated.
One the most fascinating of their functions is to signal seat availability when approaching passengers at a stop. They will stick their hand out a window or door and signal a “come hither” motion to indicate empty seats. If all seats are full, they will point two fingers down to indicate standing room only. If full, they just make the “wagging finger” motion.
Many times, these lads are called upon to perform multi-tasking. And they generally to do with aplomb. Rarely do they get a chance to sit - balance is a requisite. So, CHEERS to the Cobradores – the true heroes of the bus system !!

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