Thursday, February 12, 2015



The first part of the blog title is about how and where new ideas happen. Having an original (at least to you) thought is such a thrill for those of us who take time to watch ourselves. No wonder that the ancients thought that the ideas must come from some outside force or power or from a MUSE. I’m quite convinced, however, that these ideas spring from within, from billions of bits of memories being played against and with one another , until a connection is felt and the image or thought comes surging (or creeping) to the top, for the conscious mind to behold. And mutter “Oh Wow. That’s a great idea.  I wonder where that came from.....?? ”

From My Mind to Yours

A while back, talking with my son Alden about our general shared state of wonderment and marvel at the world and all its luscious sights and sounds and tastes, one of the most amazing human traits is the ability for one person to hold an idea or image in mind, make throat noises or write symbols and have another human decipher them and , depending on the skill of the noise maker/character writer, have that same image recreated in their minds, subject , of course, to the particular filters of the receiver. This fantastic ability is the key to human communication and even more critical – cooperation. For it is now the abilities of individual humans, but the cooperation of others, that makes the species so very unique and special.

I hope you enjoy the ideas from me to you.

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